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    John G. Ward

    To All our Readers:

    We modified our WARD FAMILY BLOG format to focus our content more on the extended Family (Ward, Monk, Beck, Lillywhite, Goble, Porter etc) contained in our FAMILY TREE.  You are invited to comment and contribute to any of the topics that appear in the Blog.  These may originate from my Books & Vignettes or from any of the comments received on the Blog.  It is intended that you can insert and PHOTOS or pictorial content that add to your words.  We will read your words to learn from your life experience and wisdom… and have a laugh (or a tear) together about our shared PAST and our FUTURE!

    My gifted son, Steve Ward will help us improve the format of the WARD FAMILY BLOG as necessary to make it easier for us to communicate and tighten our bond of kinship as we navigate through these “interesting times”.

    We look forward to your enthusiastic participation and comments… (Here endeth the First Lesson). 

    • jlmonopolis@aol.com

      Hello John

      I wrote on the website yesterday. Not sure if you have seen it. My great great grandmother was a Monk. I was wondering if I could have access to your family tree on My Heritage to see where my family fits in. I read your History of the Monk Family in Sussex with great interest.

      Best regards,

      Jennifer Monopolis

      P.S. I’m a retired civil engineer also. Had a career in the oil and gas business in the USA.

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        John G. Ward

        I am pleased to introduce my POSTING #90 on the WARD FAMILY BLOG.

        It recounts the story of the particular GOBLE Family from Aldingbourne, West Sussex, England who joined the “Great Migration” of Pilgrims and others who emigrated from England and other European countries to NEW ENGLAND in the 1600s and 1700s. They were escaping religious and secular persecution and setting up the country we now know as the UNITED STATES of AMERICA.

        Not only the GOBLE Family today but many Families, such as my own, the WARD Family or others from England, France and Holland will have connections with these PILGRIMS and SETTLERS who joined those mobile populations in search of a “better life” for themselves and their children.

        These folks had to fight the English, French, Spanish as well as the indigenous Indians and NATURE to retain the foothold they had achieved in North America and they suffered greatly to achieve their “independence” in the harsh world of the 17th. and 18th. Century in North America.

        I hope you enjoy their FAMILY HISTORY with its good, bad and ugly aspects resulting in the modern U.S.A.

    • William Robert Elworthy

      Good morning from the Chicago suburbs. From my Ancestry chart aptly named Elworthy Thelbridge Devon, we see that I am a direct descendent of Witheridge Greenslade (Greenslade, Partridge, Buckingham, Carter, Elworthy). Down to my father Edmund Keith Elworthy 1902-1967. Have you found an authentic Devonshire coat of arms for any of these families? I have posted your snappy Greenslade coa. Thanks, Bill Elworthy

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        John G. Ward

        Bill: To purchase a personal or corporate / institutional COAT OF ARMS you need to apply to the EARL MARSHALL, and I believe this is very expensive. All the Coats of Arms I use in my Family Trees are “grabbed” on the Internet and whereas they may be “official” I am sure most of them are just designs that the VENDORS offer in the “virtual world”. I have “grabbed” the following guidelines for your perusal:
        If the Earl Marshal approves a petition he will issue his Warrant to the Kings of Arms allowing them to proceed with the grant. At this stage the designing of the arms will begin. The Kings of Arms have full discretion over the design of the armorial bearings they grant, but the wishes of the applicant are taken into account as fully as possible. The officer of arms who is acting for the petitioner will discuss with him or her the allusions and references he or she would like made in the design. Simplicity and boldness make for the best heraldic design and it is a mistake to seek the inclusion of too many references. The officer will, through his experience and knowledge of many thousands of coats of arms, be able to warn the petitioner of what is heraldically trite. The design must be proper heraldry and be distinct from all previous arms on record at the College.

        Good Luck in your search,

        John Graham Ward

  • Quentin Chartier


    I’m Quentin Chartier and I’m from France. My grandmother maiden name is Ward, she was born and lived in California USA. I did some research, and I found and completed (thanks to your research) our genealogical tree.

    You can find it here : https://www.familysearch.org/tree/pedigree/portrait/GW49-TMM
    it’s the link to my Great Grand Father John Thauer Ward.

    If we trace the tree from father to father, it’s says that we are descendant to Sir Thomas De Warde (1445-1520); and not from Sir ROBERT WILLIAM De WARDE II of Brooke (1452-1520).

    So my question was, who is the father of Sir ROBERT WILLIAM De WARDE II of Brooke (1452-1520) ?
    It’s seems like it’s not Sir ROBERT WILLIAM De La WARDE I (1410-1470 AD).

    Thank you, your job and this website is awesome.

    Quentin CHARTIER

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      John G. Ward

      My WARD FAMILY TREE shows:

      Sir THOMAS De WARDE (1445-1520) and Sir ROBERT WILLIAM De WARDE II (1460-1520) are BROTHERS;
      Their FATHER is Sir ROBERT I De La WARDE (1410-1470) and their MOTHER is Lady ALICE MARGARET De La WARDE (born KEMPE) (1400-1461)

      If your PEDIGREE LINE connects you with either of these BROTHERS, it must be through Sir ROBERT I De La WARDE (1410-1470). This line then leads up to CAPTAIN SIMON IV De La WARDE, which is my PEDIGREE LINE in the Book #2 – History of the WARD FAMILY of Hampshire.

      We all get mis-directed when the birth & death dates are incorrect by a few years or more! If you would like to see my Ward Family Tree on My Heritage send me your e-mail and I can give you a formal AUTHORIZATION to access it for free. My e-mail is john.ward@eaglepm.org (all lower case).

      I look forward to helping to solve this confusion, if at all possible. (I have several other brain-teasers ongoing at this time!)

      John Graham Ward

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      John G. Ward

      I am pleased to introduce my POSTING #90 on the WARD FAMILY BLOG.

      It recounts the story of the particular GOBLE Family from Aldingbourne, West Sussex, England who joined the “Great Migration” of Pilgrims and others who emigrated from England and other European countries to NEW ENGLAND in the 1600s and 1700s. They were escaping religious and secular persecution and setting up the country we now know as the UNITED STATES of AMERICA.

      Not only the GOBLE Family today but many Families, such as my own, the WARD Family or others from England, France and Holland will have connections with these PILGRIMS and SETTLERS who joined those mobile populations in search of a “better life” for themselves and their children.

      These folks had to fight the English, French, Spanish as well as the indigenous Indians and NATURE to retain the foothold they had achieved in North America and they suffered greatly to achieve their “independence” in the harsh world of the 17th. and 18th. Century in North America.

      I hope you enjoy their FAMILY HISTORY with its good, bad and ugly aspects resulting in the modern U.S.A.

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    John G. Ward


    In our complicated world today we all use NUMBERS when conveying INFORMATION to others. We rely on ACCURACY in this information; sometimes that is hard to achieve; other times numbers are DELIBERATELY DISTORTED with Criminal Intent.

    We all LOSE when we cannot RELY on the ACCURACY of NUMBERS.




    • Small ERRORS are tolerable; Large ERRORS are BIG TROUBLE!


    • Who CARES about ACCURACY, anyway? Who CARES about TRUTH?

    • If you can’t TRUST this NUMBER, will you trust the NEXT?

    • Donald Trump LOVES the UNEDUCATED; I wonder WHY?

    BEWARE NUMBERS FROM LIERS…”Foreign or Domestic”!

  • Jennifer Monopolis

    Hello John, I recently found online your magnificent Book 3 History of the Modern Monk Family of Sussex. What an amzing job you have done. The research must have taken for ever!

    My great grandmother was Emily Langridge nee Monk. Her father and uncles were very successful brewers in Lewes, Sussex. Her larger family were farmers and merchants from Midhurst, Goring, Worth etc. There is a family story that our Monk family is related to George Henry Monk, Duke of Albemarle. In fact there is a letter written by a Monk relative describing a Scottish flag that the General brought back to England. Our family had the flag at one point but I don’t know where it is now.

    I read that you have a Ward Family Tree on My Heritgae. I was wondering if that includes all the Monks you listed in your book 3 and if, so, could you give me access. I’d like to try to see where our family is. So far I have tracked them down in various places in Sussex but haven’t managed to make a connection to anyone in Devon.

    Many thanks in advance,

    Best regards,
    Jennifer Monopolis

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      John G. Ward

      Thank you for reading my Book #3 on the MONK FAMILY. As you saw, my wife PHYLLIS JEAN is a MONK from Emsworth, Hampshire and we now live in Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada. I recently started the WARD FAMILY BLOG and have posted some 73 books, vignettes and other short articles. You might enjoy exploring those works at http://wardfamily.blog

      If you send me your e-mail address I will send you a formal authorization to access my WARD FAMILY HISTORY on MyHeritage.com. My e-mail address is john.ward@eaglepm.org (all lower case). (The “eaglepm” is from my Property Management Company that I had for 22-years after I retired at age 60-years.)

      I have just finished the 3rd. Edition of my BOOK 2 – Descending from JOHN De La WARDE in 1015 AD. A copy is posted on the WARD FAMILY BLOG as of yesterday.

      It was a pleasure “meeting” you; I hope you enjoy the 73-postings. You will find my BOOK #1 If You Come to a FORK in the ROAD, TAKE IT!

      John Graham Ward

  • Phil Renouf

    Golly, you have extraordinary talents compiling your research. On the other end of the spectrum, to say “Well done” is the most modest recognition out there.

    If I’m reading your blogs correctly you and your wife are Old Purbrookians…..check out our school Facebook group “Old Purbrookians (Purbrook Park County Grammar School) 1940s to early 70s.” Lots of stuff for you to enjoy….597 members and hundreds of photos and posts. You’re most welcome to join.

    Two other Facebook groups to look at if they have any value to you……

    Bygone Days of Havant, Bedhampton, Warblington, Emsworth and Hayling Island.
    Historic Hampshire in old Photographs

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      John G. Ward

      Phil: I am glad to learn that you enjoyed my postings on the WARD FAMILY BLOG; there are 74 in all to date and they do reveal that my wife and I are “proud Old Purbrookians”. We are both in our mid-80’s (and I don’t mean temperature-wise!) and we met at John Deveral’s old house in 1948-1956. We were both in TROJAN HOUSE and we still live in the same house together today, but we moved 4,720 miles to Vancouver Island, BC, Canada. We would both join your group blog if invited… Please treat this missive as our formal request to membership. You might enjoy my Book #1 “If You Come To a FORK in the ROAD, Take It!” (as Henny Youngman used to say…)
      John Graham Ward


  • Phil Renouf

    Hi John,

    It’s ok to delete my previous post after you read it. It’s really a personal note to you rather than a blog post.

    I helped start our Old Purbrookians Facebook group in 2017. I’ve sent you a Facebook friend request.

    Sincerely, Phil

  • David Ward

    Hi John,
    Have you come across a William Ward born 16 August 1632 in Oxfordshire England? Son of Thomas.
    My Grandfather traced our lineage back to these individuals. I have a fairly extensive genealogy (159 pages, 1200+ Descendants, 420 Families) that he finished in 1989. Happy to share any information that I can.


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      John G. Ward

      I regret to report that I have no person on my Family Tree of 28,000 who was WILLIAM WARD born in Oxfordshire around 1632. Those of my ancestors who were of that name and age would be from British Colonial America and related to Deacon William Ward the Puritan, Politician and Soldier. Others were coal miners from Yorkshire, but none from Oxfordshire.

      Thank you for asking,

      Stay Safe!

      John Graham Ward of Portsmouth, Hampshire. http://wardfamily.blog

      • David Ward

        Very interesting. Our William was also a Puritan and emigrated to Conneticut sometime in the 1650s. The Middlesex County Historical Society has his family bible.

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          John G. Ward

          You might want to check my WARD FAMILY BLOG and look at page 253 of my Book “Descending from John De La Warde in 1015 AD” where I give the details of Deacon William Ward (1603-1687). Go to CONTENTS and click on Page 253…

          There are 75-Postings for you to read if you have a few spare days! Enjoy!

          John De La Warde (30th. Great Grandson)

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          John G. Ward

          While still remembering your earlier question, I came across this quote on Family Search today:

          The Life Summary of William
          When Ensign William Ward Sr was born on 16 August 1632, his father, Thomas Ward Jr, was 20 and his mother, Dorothy Blackwell, was 20. He married Phoebe Fenner on 26 March 1660, in Middletown, Hartford, Connecticut Colony, British Colonial America. They were the parents of at least 4 sons and 6 daughters. He died on 28 March 1690, in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut Colony, British Colonial America, at the age of 57, and was buried in Riverside Cemetery, Middletown, Middlesex, Connecticut, United States.

          Would this be the WILLIAM WARD you were seeking? Let me know if it is.

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          John G. Ward

          There are a couple of new postings coming out on the GREAT PURITAN MIGRATION of 1620-1640 from England to Boston, Massachusetts. There were many WARDS amoung them. I have just posted one “vignette” on General Artemas Ward – Forgotten Revolutionary.

          I am working on another entitled “THE GREAT PURITAN MIGRATION” which will be out in a few days…


          John Graham Ward

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      John G. Ward

      What did you think of the recent posting “Meet theWARD FAMILY of Shrewsbury, Massachusetts”? This introduces us to the PILGRIMS and the English immigrants of the 1600s who were escaping religious persecution in Europe. They would be the ancestors of AMERICANS who are now struggling with the threats to democracy and individual rights & freedoms in the 21st. Century.

      Nobody said LIFE was EASY… or FAIR!

      John Graham Ward (New Canadian since 1974)

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      John G. Ward

      I am pleased to introduce my POSTING #90 on the WARD FAMILY BLOG.

      It recounts the story of the particular GOBLE Family from Aldingbourne, West Sussex, England who joined the “Great Migration” of Pilgrims and others who emigrated from England and other European countries to NEW ENGLAND in the 1600s and 1700s. They were escaping religious and secular persecution and setting up the country we now know as the UNITED STATES of AMERICA.

      Not only the GOBLE Family today but many Families, such as my own, the WARD Family or others from England, France and Holland will have connections with these PILGRIMS and SETTLERS who joined those mobile populations in search of a “better life” for themselves and their children.

      These folks had to fight the English, French, Spanish as well as the indigenous Indians and NATURE to retain the foothold they had achieved in North America and they suffered greatly to achieve their “independence” in the harsh world of the 17th. and 18th. Century in North America.

      I hope you enjoy their FAMILY HISTORY with its good, bad and ugly aspects resulting in the modern U.S.A.

  • Bev

    Hi, I stumbled across your story about your Beck family by accident. To say I’m thrilled is an understatement. I too am descended from Edward George Thomas Beck. My great grandmother is Harriet Sarah Beck who married George Hawkins. I have been researching my ancestry for a few years and have never been able to go back further than Edwards father who was the bandsman in the RMA.
    Regards Bev

  • robin monk

    Hi John.

    I have read your book 3 history of the monk family, What a wonderful book.
    I have ancestors near Emsworth, also one ancestor was a policeman in Fishbourne
    I wonder if can you tell me where I can buy your boo3 history of the modern monk family in Sussex.
    I would love to get in touch with Jennifer Monopolis.
    Kind regards

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      John G. Ward

      Robin: It’s nice to “meet” you! I have worked with your “searches” and MONK FAMILY TREE for a couple of years and you and I have trodden the same genealogical paths on MyHeritage. I think you also appear on the new “Memories of EMSWORTH” blog on Facebook?

      Thank you for reading my Book #3, there are 84 more “books” on the WARD FAMILY BLOG which you may find interesting, as we track our past through England. I am now in Canada, British Columbia near Qualicum Beach, Vancouver Island.

      I don’t publish my Books in paperback form as it would be too expensive (for you and me!) but I shall be pleased to send you a free “digital copy” to store on your computer. (A large screen monitor is great for old eyes…!) Please send me your e-mail to john.ward@eaglepm.org and I will send whichever of my books or “vignettes” you wish.

      My wife Phyllis is from 34, St. James’ Road, Emsworth… Are you closely related? Her sister, Pat still lives at Victoria Road.

      LIFE GOES ON…!

      Stay Safe,

  • robin monk

    re your question are we closely related,
    Not to close her G.G.G gandfather was my G.G.G granfather
    also my family may be related to Jenny Monopolis as some of my family lived in Worth as well

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    Good afternoon John, I believe that our common ancestor Edward Beck(e) makes you my fathers 2nd cousin. I have posted a photo here of Harriet Beck my fathers grandmother with her daughter Doris . This must of been taken somewhere between 1930 and 1940. You have said in your very interesting book ‘The Modern Beck family’ that Middlesex was the birthplace of Edward Robert Becke. May I ask how you came to this conclusion as I’ve only ever found records for Portsea. The different census’ I looked at and a birth index is saying his birth is in Portsmouth . Of course I could be completely wrong and wondered how you managed to verify your findings. Thanks, Beverley.

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      John G. Ward

      Beverley: It is great to “meet” you, even if it is only “virtually” through the medium of the WARD FAMILY BLOG. Thank you for reading my BOOK #4; you now have the advantage of me since you know much about me, but I only know you are BEVERLEY BENNETT (who is not on my FAMILY TREE). Please tell me more about yourself such as Parents and dates… I assume you are referring to EDWARD ROBERT BECK (1831-1885) the Royal Marines Artillery Bandsman born in Portsea. He is my Great Great Grandfather and looks resplendent in his dress uniform! Most of my BECK family do not have the “E” attached, except those from the 1500s and 1600s such as EDWARD BECKE (b. 1587) from Kendal, Westmorland. When I have more information about you, I will add you to the WARD FAMILY TREE, which is the “root” of all my BOOKS and VIGNETTES on the Blog. If you would like to access the tree I will send you a formal invitation by e-mail… is your current e-mail “bennet166@ntlworld.com”?
      John Graham Ward

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    Hi John, nice to meet you to! yes that email address is mine. I am from Fareham which you will know is near Portsmouth. My grandmother was Daisy Hawkins who was one of 8 children of Harriet Beck, all born and bred in
    ‘ Pompey’. Harriet Becks mother and father were Elizabeth Ann Carter and Edward George Thomas Beck. Very interesting snippet in your book regarding Elizabeth, did give me a little chuckle! It was always said that Harriet had her leg pulled by being nicknamed’naz’. This led family to believe that there may have been German roots originally. However am yet to prove. Elizabeth has been consuming quite a lot of my time on ancestry searches as I’m four years looking for who her parents are and Edward Robert Beck I assumed was born in Portsea . This doesn’t seem to be the case from your findings. Would love to know more or if you had any photos you would be happy to share? Regards from Bev

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      John G. Ward

      We seem to be “near neighbours” on my WARD FAMILY TREE. I have sent you an invitation to access my tree on MyHeritage.com. Check it out and go to EDWARD GEORGE THOMAS BECK (1852-1918). He is my GREAT GRANDFATHER and his wife, ELIZABETH ANN BECK (born CARTER) (1854-1937) is my GREAT GRANDMOTHER.

      As DAISY HAWKINS is your GRANDMOTHER, I need her dates to add her to the tree; names & dates of your PARENTS will allow me to complete your Family and I can then search for the children & syblings of Daisy.

      You are right in the “thick” of my BECK Family of Portsmouth…! By the way, read my AUTOBIOGRAPHY (BOOK #1) on the WARD FAMILY BLOG. https://wardfamily.blog

      I worked for many years at the Borough Engineers Dept in Fareham before I left with my wife & son in 1974 for Canada. I know it all very well! I played cricket for Fareham Cricket Club at Bath Lane for years!

      We have much more to share.

      Really GREAT to meet you!

      John & Phyllis

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    Hi John well it really is a small world! I live in a lovely village called Stubbington which no doubt your familiar with? I’ve created an account on My Heritage but can’t see any invitation from you as of yet. My father was 78 yesterday . He was born 1944 and is Ralph Bennett. My mother Cheryl Glanville unfortunately passed away last year on April 16th aged 74 and was born Sept 11th 1946. I also have a brother named after my fathers brother called Clifford Bennett. My grandmother Daisy was born 13th May 1909 and died June 1997 . She is buried in Kingston cemetery Portsmouth along by her mum Harriet, dad George and siblings Doris b1913 and Winifred b1907 . Charles Hawkins b1919 is buried there but on the other side and I recently attended his wife’s funeral . Nanny had 4 brothers, George, William , Charles and Walter . Sadly Walter went down on the Royal Oak ship at Scapa Flow in 1939 along with Doris husband. Her sisters were Winifred, Doris and Lilian b1921.
    Fascinating stuff! Thanks, Bev .

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      John G. Ward

      I know Stubbington very well! It is part of my “Borough” where I did lots of engineering to fix and expand the storm drainage and other infrastructure early in my career. I went on to be the Chief Engineer in the Water & Sanitation Department of the City of Edmonton, Alberta, Canada for 20-years. Edmonton has 1 million population – somewhat larger than Fareham! Thanks for the data on your family, I can now get back to work to build your section on the WARD FAMILY TREE (which has 30,000 persons and goes back over 1,000 years…!

      By the way, I don’t have an Ancestry.com account, but I do have FindMyPast.com and FamilySearch.com which I use to make copies of my tree for comparison purposes. What you can’t get from one “platform” you can get from the others. I don’t think you need to buy a “membership” in MyHeritage to be able to access my WARD FAMILY TREE; I believe my formal invitation allows you to access my rather large tree. To find any person just type the name in the box on the screen (top right) and you will see a list of all the entries under that name.

      Good luck! I will get back to work!

      PS: Read my books and vignettes, there are only 87 of them!

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    Thanks John, I shall be reading your very interesting books. I don’t know if your invitation has been sent but hasn’t come through yet. I’m off to Dubai Tuesday but when I’m back I can send over some photos off the Beck offsprings if you would like? Best wishes bev

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    Hi John I’m sending you a newspaper article but may come as separate pages as I’m unable to upload all pages in this message box and can’t send photos to my heritage. Regards

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    John G. Ward

    The article doesn’t given a DATE of the offense nor say which EDWARD BECK this is or give names of the wife and children. The Landport address of 23, Marylebone Street was a familiar abode of the BECK Family, but probably was demolished after WW2. If this was EDWARD ROBERT BECK, RMA Bandsman (1831-1885) then his wife was HARRIET SARAH ANN (born ISAACS). If this was EDWARD GEORGE THOMAS BECK (General Labourer) (1852-1918) then his wife was ELIZABETH ANN CARTER (who was no stranger to “trouble”!).

    We need more information to fully understand what was “going on” on that night…

    Thanks for sharing,


  • Miss Zoe Tredgett

    Hello Mr Ward, Firstly I have just come accross your incredible work on the Buckland family in east grinstead and I was stunned as I am Frank Buckland’s great-grandaughter. Allan leonard’s was my great-great uncle who I believe my now late aunty Sylv used to know as uncle daddy man! I too love history and family history but have been a bit unsuccessful in tracking down much to do on my Buckland side, I particularly love old photos and apart from 1 of my great nanny Buckland we have no other photos am wondering do you happen to have at all any of them at all? I would love to see them and I know my aunty will too if at all possible as very sadly I lost my mum just over a year ago but I have fond memories of both her and my aunty telling me stories about grandad and nanny and also uncle Roly too who apparently used to hog the fire and scorch himself occassionaly in trying to keep warm!! Anyway it is lovely to be in touch and would really appreciate any possibility of any photos etc and to possibly keep in touch.
    Best wishes Zoe Tredgett.

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      John G. Ward

      Zoe: I am glad you enjoyed the Book on the BUCKLAND Family. My wife Phyllis Ward (born Monk) is related to the Bucklands as her Mother, Kathleen Monk is a Buckland from East Grinstead, Sussex. I do not have any photos of the Bucklands, but I will contact a few relatives to see what we can get. You might want to visit the WARD FAMILY BLOG at https://wardfamily.blog where there is a great piece entitled “A Bedtime Story with Nanny Katie.” I will send you a PDF copy by e-mail.
      Great to hear from you. Keep in touch.
      John Graham Ward
      30th. GGS of John De La Warde (1015 – 1084)

  • Michael Beck

    Hello John

    I am Michael Beck, and live near Canterbury in Kent. I have just read with interest your Beck family tree. I too have been working on my tree, perhaps there is a link.

    I have traced the Beck Family from 1450 (Peter Beck the Elder, living in Aachen and owning a metal working factory) . The family were protestants and over the generations moved via Amsterdam to London where they lived in St Botolphs Lane, Billingsgate. (wealthy merchants)

    Three brothers emigrated to Ireland as part of the Plantation of Ireland by James I. Becks are still there now. My branch moved via the Isle of Man to Liverpool and then to Crewe where my father was born.

    You will find my public tree on Ancestry, Beck FamilyTree., and if you would send me your email address I can send you some family charts. I have found direct lines to King Henry I and to Alfred the Great.

    The Beck Coat of Arms has not been made up but is that of Peter Beck and many in the line, not least to Sir Justus Beck, Baronet, and Director of the Bank of England. (find him on line)

    The line continues with three children, six grand children and three great grand children.

    Good to contact you. Regards. Michael

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      John G. Ward

      Thank you for the brief outline of your BECK Family history. From your description it would seem that my BECK Family (from my Maternal side) are not close relatives of your BECK Family – who have “royal” connections. My BECK relations are of IRISH descent and my latest BOOK #151 (The Great FAMINE in IRELAND 1845-1849) posted today, sets the scene for my next BOOK #152 The LIFE & TIMES of FREDERICK EDMUND BECK (1899-1968) which is still a few weeks from being published! My e-mail is john.ward@eaglepm.org I shall be pleased to keep in touch as we wrestle with the mis-information and errors of our genealogical world! Regards, John Graham Ward Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada. (Born in Portsmouth, Hampshire; https://wardfamily.blog )

  • Fiona Beck

    Thank you for information that you have shared here. I beleive that Harriet S A Issacs and Edward R Beck were my Great great great grandparents. Due to being given up for adoption, most of what I know of my hertitage has been gathered online. I am happy to share my family tree.

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      John G. Ward

      Fiona: I have posted today my Third Edition of Book #4, History of the Modern BECK FAMILY of Hampshire, England. Your GGG Grandparents Edward & Harriet are prominently featured and there are many side issues in the long story of the BECK Family. You will see that we are closely related and we share the BECK FAMILY with RICHARD BECK (1554-1613) up to EDWARD ROBERT BECK (in 1834-1885) and HARRIET SARAH ANN ISAACS (in 1839-1939). There are almost certainly more connections! Enjoy! Regards, John Graham Ward (1936-?)

  • Bill Ward

    Hi John, its been awhile since I’ve been in touch but back at now. Hope you are well. I recently was in contact with Richard Davis who had posted a short pedigree related to a John Ward, born c1490 in Kneesworth, Bassingbourn, Cambridgeshire, that traced through Seth Ward, d1598, into the Seth Wards/families of early Virginia. As we have discussed in the past, my line traces through this line of Seths. This pedigree is supported by wills and tax records of the time. I have hit a block in the road as I am unable to trace who this John Ward, b1490 is and who his parents are. Based on Richard’s data, the parents of John Ward of Kneesworth did not originate there. Tax records of early 1300s show no Wards taxed in the Kneesworth (Bassingbourn) or Abington Pigotts area so this Ward family came from another Ward family in the general area. Would you happen to have any data that would indicate what early Ward family this John Ward hailed from or any suggestions to sort this?

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      John G. Ward

      James Seth Warde, of Houghton Parva, Anna Alice Warde (born Fawkes)
      Bill: I discovered several “Seth Warde” members of my WARD FAMILY TREE, including members of the FAWKES Family, executed for trying to blow up the British Parliament. Some of my British Wards seem to have emigrated to Virginia (to escape execution?). It was a turbulent time… rather like today with the “Yellow Turd” kicking up a stink in USA. Why can’t your guys shoot straight? I thought you each had a gun for that purpose of “culling the herd”…?

      Stay Safe, John Graham Ward of British Columbia, Canada (born in Portsmouth, Hampshire, England 89 years ago TODAY…!)


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