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Book 2 – Descending from John De La Warde in 1015 AD

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  • Bill Ward

    As I reread your Book 2, I notice that the information on page 236 for Sir Robert William De Warde IV is mostly the same as for Sir Robert William De Warde III on page 221. As I am researching a similar line of Wardes as you have in your book, Sir Robert IV is someone I’m trying to verify children and siblings. Myheritage and searches yield many more children and siblings than are accurate or reasonable. I have been unable to get access to birth records of the time. Your book has been a superb source in my research.

    One example of difficulty with children and siblings in serches is trying to establish the parentage of Seth Ward b: circa 1550, d: 1598 of Abington, Cambridgshire. His will states he had 2 siblings, Wilsonne and Robert; Sons, John, Emos and Thomas Ward. I have been unable to find any search results that fit his profile. His previous parents – Roger and Katherine, in searches have been ruled as wrong due to Seth, Robert and Wilsonne not showing up in Roger’s will and him being married to someone entirely differnt. If you have any thoughts on this matter, I would appreciate your knowledge.


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      John G. Ward

      My apologies for not responding to your questions on Sir Robert William De Warde IV etc. I have been working hard on a couple of other Family Projects for friends and could not break away. Those projects are now completed and “posted” on my WARD FAMILY BLOG. (You might like to peruse them…?)

      Now I will turn my full attention to page 236 et seq of BOOK #2 and see if I can be of help in solving that issue.

      I end many of my exchanges with fellow amateur genealogists in the expression ” T’is a puzzlement…!”

      Talk to you later.


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      John G. Ward

      Bill: Thank you for your question on Sir Robert William De Warde. I agree that there are a number of errors that need to be corrected in the story of Sir Robert’s life. I am waiting for the HELP DESK staff at MyHeritage to fix a software problem on their platform which has left me unable to edit my Family Tree or to incorporate new data from searches. They have been working on this problem for few weeks now and I must wait until they have done the “fix”. Talk to you later.

      • Bill Ward

        John, I am wondering if during your research into the various branches of the Ward family tree, you looked at a Seth Ward of Abbington, born circa 1550, died before June 20, 1598. His will states he had 2 syblings, Robert Ward and Wilsonne Ward and 5 children – Marie, John, Enos, Anne, and Thomas. His parentage is unclear. They are thought to be a Roger and Katherine Warde but there are no clear answers. Could you add any clarity to this?


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          John G. Ward

          Bill: I have James Seth Ward (1550-1598) born in Dunchurch, Warwickshire, England. His parents were Sir Robert William De Warde IV (1530-1599) and Lady Isabel Stapley (1560-1603). James Seth Ward had 7-children, but none of the names you mentioned. Is your Seth Ward from Abingdon, Washington County, Virginia? However, the year 1550 would be too early perhaps for the Colonization period…
          ‘Tis a puzzlement?

  • Nicholas Warde

    You should check out the scanned Google Books. In particular the ‘Visitations of xxx’ where xxx is the county. These were written in the 18th century. I have traced my Warde roots back to the Normans and the Givendale Wardes of Yorkshire. There are 2 major branches from Yorkshire. One went to Norfolk and became titled. The other junior branch went to Warwickshire and had several Manors near Edgehill. My great great grandfather was still living in Tysoe in 1850 and I have the church records back to 1600 in a nearby village called Wardington. My breakthrough to get to the period prior to 1600 was DNA. A lady who had spent decades researching the Wards of Mass, USA. The visitations books also helped.

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      John G. Ward

      Nicholas: Thank you for the suggestion to read the “Visitations” Books scanned by Google. As you see from the WARD FAMILY BLOG, I have been able to compile 110-Books on the general subject of “The Life and Times of the WARDS, MONKS, BECKS, BUCKLANDS etc”. These ancestors, plus some 30,000 others make up my FAMILY and have sparked the interest of dozens of our descendants and fellow-travellers. I have several more “titles” in the course of research and posting, so I hope you can join our CLUB of amateur Genealogists.
      Stay Safe,
      John Graham Ward (32nd.GGS of John De La Warde 1015-1085)

    • Colin Ward

      Hi Nicholas,
      I would very much like to compare notes on the Warwickshire family. I am descended from the Wards of Barford, Warwickshire, and believe the Wards of Tysoe are related. Records I have state those of Barford are descended from Givendale via the Wards of Kirby, Norfolk, however my own researches lead me to believe there is a more direct link back to Giveendale.
      Hope to hear from you.

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      John G. Ward

      Nicholas & Christine:
      I received the following e-mail from COLIN WARD today. He would like our help in researching his WARD FAMILY HISTORY. Colin gave me his personal e-mail address so that we could respond outside of this WARD FAMILY BLOG COMMENTS section. You might like to contact him and share our information.

      John Graham Ward
      (from CANADA)

      “Firstly, congratulations on your blog . I hope to find time to go through it in more detail sometime soon but, for now, one thing leapt out at me when I was reading the comments section.

      The comment in question was from Nicholas Ward on 27/5/23 where he states “There are 2 major branches from Yorkshire. One went to Norfolk and became titled. The other junior branch went to Warwickshire and had several Manors near Edgehill”

      I am descended from the Rowley Ward of Barford mentioned on pg 20 of your book “Descending from John De La Warde in 1015 AD”. I have documents stating they were descended from Robert Ward of Kirby Bedon, Norfolk but there is no proof of this. Other evidence, scant though it is, points to them being descended from the Yorkshire branch hence my interest in NIcholas’s statement that he has DNA proof.

      I’ve been searching for something like this for years and would very much like to compare notes with Nicholas so am hoping you can pass my email onto him and ask that he contact me. I am assuming you can access his email address via the website records? My personal address is

  • Christine

    Hello Bill
    I am very interested in my Ward ancestors and found your book useful as part of my research. In particular I am keen to find out more about Margaret Mortimer, who married Simon de la Ward IV. You indicate she was the daughter of John de Mortimer of Wigmore Castle and I would be pleased if you could advise a source for this information. I have been unable to find any other information giving the name of her father, yet alone where he was from. You say she was born in Stanford, Norfolk, but my understanding is that the Stanford Mortimer’s were a different branch of Mortimer’s to the Wigmore family. Any information to enlighten me would be welcome.
    Thank you.

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      John G. Ward

      Christine: Thankyou for reading my “Book 2-Descending from John De La Warde in 1015 AD”. This Book has been reviewed by over 1,300 readers in the last 3-years and most noticed my name on Page 1. It was not “Bill”, so I assuming your Comment was intended for John Graham Ward, not “Bill”. I have 32,000 people on my WARD FAMILY TREE – many of them are not carrying the surname WARD. You may even be one of them. If you will tell your full name and briefly where your Family joined the Ward Family, I will be pleased to check my Full Tree and give me you what information I have to assist you.
      John Graham Ward (1936-Present)

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      John G. Ward

      Christine: In reviewing your question dated June 15, 2023 it occurs to me that you might like to visit my WARD FAMILY TREE on MyHeritage (if you haven’t already). I have a number of relatives named MARGARET De MORTIMER, as well as the wife of SIMON De La WARDE. I also have an “uncle” MONTAGUE MORTIMER whose Father died and he was “adopted” by my Grandfather WILLIAM GEORGE HAYWARD WARD of Portsmouth, Hampshire, England in the early 1900’s. If you send me your e-mail address, I will be pleased to give you a “formal invitation” to access my Family Tree of 32,000 people. My e-mail address is (all lower-case).
      John Graham Ward

  • Christine

    Hello John

    First my apologies for addressing you as Bill. I must have got a little confused between you and a previous poster – both with the surname Ward.

    My Ward ancestors were those in Norfolk from the early 14th century. I have seen from British History Online in the section which deals with the Hundred of Henstede; Bixley, it quotes from The Baronetage

    “A Ward, married to Margaret Mortimer, as father and mother of

    John Ward, who by marriage of the daughter and heiress of John, son and heir of Thomas de Bosco or Bois of Kirbybedon, became Lord of that Manor in 1363 and was succeeded by

    John Ward Gent, his son and heir, who married Katherine daugher of Will Appleyard*, lord of Bracon-Ash and Dunston…”

    and so it continues with the successions through to the 1700s.

    I have got “stuck” going backwards from the description of “A Ward” who was married to Margaret Mortimer, as the Christian name of the Ward who married Margaret Mortimer is not provided in this source, neither is the name or location of Margaret Mortimer’s father. If you have any additional information on Margaret Mortimer and her marriage to “A Ward” it would help me greatly.

    *Will(iam) Appleyard is named as Katherine’s father in this source. I see you have recorded him as her brother, and have highlighted him as a person of interest in your book, being the first Mayor of Norwich. I believe it more likely she was his daughter, as she would have been younger and of a more appropriate age to have children. Later Wards from my family, Geoffrey of Brooke and his son Thomas were both Aldermen of Norwich and Thomas’ daughter Martha married Peter Wood whose father Sir Robert Wood, and both his grandfathers, Edmund Wood and Augustine Steward, were also Mayors of Norfolk, so it seems the wider family were linked to the Mayoralty.

    Best wishes

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      John G. Ward

      Nicholas & Christine:
      I received the following e-mail from COLIN WARD today. He would like our help in researching his WARD FAMILY HISTORY. Colin gave me his personal e-mail address so that we could respond outside of this WARD FAMILY BLOG COMMENTS section. You might like to contact him and share our information.

      John Graham Ward
      (from CANADA)

      “Firstly, congratulations on your blog . I hope to find time to go through it in more detail sometime soon but, for now, one thing leapt out at me when I was reading the comments section.

      The comment in question was from Nicholas Ward on 27/5/23 where he states “There are 2 major branches from Yorkshire. One went to Norfolk and became titled. The other junior branch went to Warwickshire and had several Manors near Edgehill”

      I am descended from the Rowley Ward of Barford mentioned on pg 20 of your book “Descending from John De La Warde in 1015 AD”. I have documents stating they were descended from Robert Ward of Kirby Bedon, Norfolk but there is no proof of this. Other evidence, scant though it is, points to them being descended from the Yorkshire branch hence my interest in NIcholas’s statement that he has DNA proof.

      I’ve been searching for something like this for years and would very much like to compare notes with Nicholas so am hoping you can pass my email onto him and ask that he contact me. I am assuming you can access his email address via the website records? My personal address is


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