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The WILLIAM WARD Genealogy

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    John G. Ward

    Dear Readers:
    The latest POSTING #104 (The William Ward Genealogy, 1638-1925) is the result of years of dedicated work by the author CHARLES MARTYN and by the Publisher ARTEMAS WARD. Published in 1925 in New York, this detailed account of the people and events of early America brings much more detail and context to the remarkable life and times of the WARD FAMILY as they contributed to the birth of a nation.

    Those of us who are also named WARD can be very proud of the part played by ARTEMAS WARD and WILLIAM WARD and all their contemporaries and descendants that made up the WARD FAMILY.

    We must now build on that which they built and improve where we can, but not destroy the fragile DEMOCRACY for greed or ignorance.

  • Donna Woodward

    Please, I am working on William Ward 1603 genealogy. I am wondering if you have the proofs for all you have found and would be will to share them.
    Donna Woodward

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      John G. Ward

      Donna: Thank you for your question. It is very rewarding to hear from my 60-100 readers of the Ward Family Blog who visit every day. In response to your question, I get my data and stories mainly from the Internet and from MyHeritage, Ancestry, Find My Past and Family Search, where I have membership. I also get personal inputs from readers who send me information by e-mail ( I do not keep detailed “footnotes” or “search notes” but I do take every care to be accurate and complete with all my Books, Vignettes and Articles on the Blog. As with all genealogists I get frustrated with the amount of “misinformation”, spelling errors and incorrect “Searches” that come our way, but “That’s Life”!
      If you have any specific questions or concerns I shall be pleased to respond.
      John Graham Ward (32nd. GGS of John De La Warde 1015-1084)

  • Shannon Broughton

    I only recently discovered my paternal family. According to what I found I am a decendant of Florence Augusta Ward Alker. I am hoping to find any information concerning her parents and the many ancestors before Florence.

    Shannon Broughton (Alker)


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